More than 40 years of experience in
the chemical industry market

We are a national company with products of excellence
that meet the highest quality standards.

Sodium Potassium Silicate

Quipasur has a wide range of sodium and potassium silicates in liquid, powder and stone formats.
These are produced in various proportions of silicon oxide and sodium oxide,
giving them different physical and chemical properties.

Silicates can be used in the formulation of detergents, adhesives, concrete, in foundries, mineral flotation and, in general, for applications that require modifying the physical properties of mixtures, such as viscosity, dispersion capacity and resistance.

We create our solutions in line with our values as a family-owned company.

And driven by the constant search for innovation, which we consider to be the engine that drives the transformation and growth of companies.

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We manufacture our own product

It complies with international regulations and is manufactured under the highest quality standards. We produce our own demineralized water. We have a laboratory that measures all the parameters required by commercial and mining fleets. We have a certified plant for the production of antifreeze in all its concentrations.

Chemical Formulations

Different types of emulsifiers and dispersants for industrial use are regularly produced on demand. We also provide separation and recovery services of fractions rich in active compounds from complex chemical mixtures.

quipasur chemical formulations

Other products commonly manufactured for third parties include cleaning products such as detergents, degreasers and general cleaners.