Foundry, Phenolic Resins, Furan Resins, Powdered Minerals, Animal Nutrition, Salmon Industry, Agrochemicals, Chemicals, Chemical Laboratory, Antifreeze, Salmon Farming, Foundry Sand, Foundry Sleeves, Sodium Silicate, Potassium Silicate, Animal Nutrition smart block, Animal nutrition smart premix, Potassium Silicates, Powdered minerals, Chemical formulations, Resins for the wood industry, Animal nutrition, Salmon industry, Paints for salmon farming, Mineral supplements, Foundry Chile, Main exporter in foundry, Exports from chile, peru, argentina Santiago, Chile

Phenolic resins, Foundry, Phenolic resins, Phenolic resins, Furanic resins, Exothermic handles, Animal nutrition, Powdered minerals, Salmon industry, Chemicals, Chemical laboratory, Agrochemicals, Antifreeze, Salmon farming, Foundry sand, Foundry sleeves, Potassium silicate, Sodium silicate, Animal nutrition smart premix, Potassium silicate, Sodium silicate, Animal nutrition smart block, Animal nutrition smart premix, Potassium Silicates, Potassium Silicate, Mineral powders, Resins for the wood industry, Chemical formulations, Animal nutrition, Paints for salmon farming, Salmon industry, Mineral supplements, Main exporter in foundry, Foundry Chile, Exports from chile, peru, argentina Santiago, Chile

Foundry, Exothermic Handles, Furan Resins, Exothermic Handles, Agrochemicals, Animal Nutrition, Powdered Minerals, Salmon Industry, Chemicals, Chemical Laboratory, Antifreeze, Salmon farming, Foundry Sand, Foundry Sleeves, Sodium Silicate, Potassium Silicate, Animal Nutrition smart block, Animal nutrition smart premix, Potassium Silicates, Powdered minerals, Resins for the wood industry, Chemical formulations, Animal nutrition, Salmon industry, Paints for salmon farming, Main exporter in smelting, Mineral supplements, Foundry Chile, Exports from chile, peru, argentina Santiago, Chile



How can agriculture cope with the biggest drought in 60 years? With cutting-edge products for better water use.

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When we talk about climate change, the first things that come to mind are record heat temperatures, natural phenomena that did not occur in certain areas before, melting glaciers and forest fires. In Chile, we have seen all of the above. However, one of the most obvious effects of global warming in the country, and in the world, is water scarcity.


Solution to water shortages 02

It is estimated that about 72% of the national surface suffers from drought and that Chile is one of the 18 countries with the highest risk of suffering water stress. The water deficit has been an urgent problem for at least a decade and, in fact, there is talk that we are in the greatest period of drought in the last 60 years.

According to the United Nations, the water footprint of global production is 70% related to food production. The World Bank estimates that more than 330 million hectares in the world have irrigation facilities. And since agriculture is one of the country's essential economic activities, both farmers and decision makers must promote a more sustainable use of water to mitigate the effects of the water crisis.

Quipasur, in its quest to be a partner for its customers, is constantly developing new products and technology that are innovative and take into account the environmental problem. That is why the company created a partnership to be the distributor of O2, a water evaporation mitigator for dams and ponds, specially formulated so that agricultural, mining, sanitary, energy and industrial companies can reduce their water losses and use this resource in a more efficient and sustainable way.

o2 Company Quipasur


O2: good for the company, good for the environment

Five years ago, Carlos Korner began developing a product that did not exist, a liquid monolayer that prevents water evaporation by up to 80%, a problem that, with rising temperatures and the lack of rainfall, has become indispensable.

"Evaporative water losses are gigantic. A third of the volume of water is lost per year. An agricultural dam in Chile loses between one and two vertical centimeters per day. If you look at the water surface in one hectare, it is 6,000 cubic meters per month. That's enough to irrigate an entire olive plantation in its entire season," says Korner, CEO of O2.

O2 Company

Quipasur, seeing the potential of the product being developed, decided to be part of the process and become an investment partner and distributor of O2, adding to its product portfolio an innovative, "made in Chile" and environmentally friendly mitigator.

"The efficiency curve of the O2 monolayer is one month, preventing water evaporation by up to 80%. In other words, if a dam of one hectare evaporates 6,000 cubic meters, with O2 it could recover 5,000 or 4,800 cubic meters, allowing companies to make better use of their water resources," says Korner, who points out that his product is also harmless, as it does not affect the fauna.

In fact, in its five years of life, O2 has already received a series of recognitions that endorse its contribution to sustainability. In 2020 they won the First Place for Environmental Innovation from the Chilean-British Chamber and were chosen among the Top 5 sustainable projects in Latin America in an initiative of CNN and the European Union called "Re-Acciona por el Clima" (Re-Acciona for the Climate).

In this sense, together with O2, Quipasur takes another step forward in innovation towards the creation and distribution of products that help its customers to overcome the water crisis, with a vision of the future and concern for the environment.

O2 CompanyO2 Company product covering a body of water


Quipasur, the local alternative that surfs the global logistics and energy crisis that will raise fertilizer prices

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The health, social and economic effects of the coronavirus did not take long to be felt as soon as it appeared at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. However, there are still some traces of this pandemic that have not yet been felt and that will reach Chile in the coming months. We are talking about the global logistics and energy crisis, which threatens to increase fertilizer and food prices. In this scenario, Quipasur, which is supplied with local raw material, is positioned as the best alternative to acquire superior quality fertilizers at stable prices.

On the one hand, the "container crisis" began along with the pandemic and the quarantines. As a precaution against a decrease in demand and cross-border restrictions due to the coronavirus, shipping lines decided to anticipate and remove vessels from some of their less profitable routes.

Some time later, when China recovered its production level and the United States - along with much of the world - did the same with its demand for products, thanks to e-commerce, the prices of goods transportation skyrocketed. The result? A 500% increase in logistics prices, infrequent routes to less attractive markets and container shortages, delays in shipments due to congestion at major ports and, therefore, a crisis affecting companies that import their products or raw materials, such as fertilizer developers.

As if that were not enough, the "container crisis" is being compounded by the "fertilizer crisis" in Europe as a result of rising gas, electricity and oil prices. Unable to meet the costs of these tariffs, two major European fertilizer manufacturers have already announced production cuts and others are expected to follow.

Both crises, which raise the costs of products and raw materials imported into Chile to levels never seen before, are passed on to the customer in the form of higher prices. However, there are alternatives. Quipasur is one of them.

Federico Walker, Supply Chain Planning Manager, explains that the main products imported to Chile in the area of fertilizers are UAN 32 and urea. Quipasur, a company that is committed to innovation and efficiency, manufactures NPK blends, its main component being Ammonium Nitrate as a source of nitrogen, which besides being a more modern and technologically advanced alternative than those previously mentioned, will not have such a high cost due to the crises.

Walker explains that this is because Quipasur buys the main NPK element, nitrogen, locally as Ammonium Nitrate, and in anticipation of the global situation, it stocked up with a large inventory, so the price of its custom-made solutions will not vary as much as the imported ones, especially now that the season is starting. Therefore, Quipasur's customers will have a better quality, tailor-made product (unlike the UAN 32) and at a more competitive price than the alternatives.

"Now is the time for farmers to try new, world-leading fertilizers to take the next step in their business development," Walker said.

Liquid fertilizers

Certified quality liquid fertilizers, formulated for each soil: exact dosage and maximum production.

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The daily work in the field with farmers led Quipasur's advisors to request fertilizers that had the best performance and production according to the characteristics of each soil. This concern was taken up by Renato Casas del Valle, founder of Quipasur and precursor of liquid chemical mixtures, who, with his more than 40 years of experience, saw that his company could favor Chilean agriculture thanks to its innovative laboratory, state-of-the-art technology and timely distribution logistics.


With more than 100 different formulations and the possibility of developing customized products for each customer's needs, Quipasur has positioned itself as one of the leaders in the domestic liquid fertilizer market.

Casas del Valle explains that NPK fertilizers (based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) are increasingly used in agriculture, both in Chile and in the world. This is due to the need to save water and to the fact that, with this type of product, an exact dosage of fertilizer can be applied directly to the plant (without the losses generated by solid fertilizer) through a drip irrigation system.

NPK fertilizers are formulated based on these three components, although their different proportions depend on the requirements of each crop. Casas del Valle also says that these formulations can include other microelements that the customer needs to add according to their needs, such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, boron and others.

"This depends on the nutrients in the soil and the requirements of the plant, because it is not always the same. Even in the same paddock, the amount of nutrients needed by each plant can be different. There are many variations and if you don't have good stability, you can cause a collapse in the system. That is why it is important the dosage, the stability and the background of the products", says the founder of Quipasur.

It is precisely for this purpose that Quipasur has its own chemical department and laboratory, where each mixture produced is validated. The company manufactures and maintains inventories of raw materials with which it can ensure a continuous supply for its regional distributors at a competitive price. In addition, to further guarantee the safety of its formulations, the company provides its customers with a second certification by important external laboratories.

"In our 41 years in the industrial market, we realized that our competitors did not certify their products, so a customer could receive by mistake a different formulation than the one he needed. We saw an opportunity and decided to provide quality seals on each of our products, giving our customers greater security," said Casas del Valle.

What is the process like?

Quipasur develops liquid fertilizers for all types of crops and currently has a presence from the IV to the IX region of the country. "We have the capacity for production, storage and logistics. When customers ask us for a product, we are on the ground within 24 hours," says Casas el Valle.

After a soil analysis to check the nutrients present in the soil and the requirements of the different plants, Quipasur orders the necessary solid products and mixes them according to the solubilities in its reactors at the San Bernardo plant so that they are stable. Once ready, the formulations are filtered and stored in warehouses until they are approved by the laboratory.


This product is delivered directly to the customer, who doses it in their fields. For these processes, Quipasur also has agronomic and chemical advisors, who provide the products and assist in the fields if necessary.

The permanent on-site assistance to customers, the chemical department and laboratory together with the quality control are the support that Quipasur has in this active work of product development, which are permanently exposed to the latest technology worldwide.

Liquid fertilizers are the present and future of agriculture, so having an ally like Quipasur, which generates solutions hand in hand with its customers at every step, is essential when it comes to growing the business safely and with the best products on the market.


Related content:

Quipasur brings world-class refractory paint to Chile with ASK Chemicals

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Quipasur, a chemical products manufacturer with more than 40 years of experience, in its effort to expand its presence in the foundry area, achieved this 2021 an alliance with the multinational ASK Chemicals, a world leader in products for this industry, which will allow it to introduce its global quality refractory paints to the Chilean market.

Quipasur's general manager, Raúl Silva, welcomed the news and said that "we wanted a leading global partner in the foundry industry, a recognized company with international experience of the highest level, to help us bring new technology to Chile, to constantly change products based on the new needs of the sector. This is how we achieved this alliance with ASK, our new partner that will contribute to the development of our product offering".

ASK Chemicals is one of the largest solution providers for the foundry sector, with a global network spanning several countries around the world, bringing world-class technology and the latest industry trends.

The product manager of ASK Brazil, Carlos Luft, commented that "Chile is a market in which we were present in past years, customers in the foundry area already recognize us for our quality and efficiency, but two years ago we were looking for a distributor in this market that would meet the standards we needed. After an exhaustive search, we found in Quipasur the best alternative to bring our products back to Chile, with local availability".

In Chile, Quipasur, a national leader in the foundry market, will be represented by Quipasur refractory paints as of January 2021, thus complementing its current line of specialized products to meet top-level requirements.

The refractory paints developed by ASK have a high performance and good resistance to high temperature, allowing to obtain parts of very good surface quality, saving time in their cleaning.

Luft also explains that the second step is to start offering ASK's line of special or auxiliary products, which includes release agents and cleaning products for foundry tools. Both lines will continue to be manufactured in Brazil, whose plant works with two fundamental pillars: automation, which guarantees the same quality in all products, and the guarantee of raw material quality.

The product manager of ASK Brazil emphasized that "it is important for us to have a long-term relationship, our brands will be associated and we are placing great trust in Quipasur. In this sense, we believe that Quipasur is prepared for this partnership and is the ideal distributor, since it has a team with very good technical and market knowledge, which is difficult to find".

Quipasur's general manager commented that "we are happy because we now have the confidence and backing of a leading international brand. We are sure that, thanks to ASK's support and our four decades of experience in the industry, Quipasur will position itself as a leading company in the refractory paint market.

Quipasur boosts its salmon farming division with new office in Chiloé

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The commercial manager of Pinturas Antifouling, Daniel Poirot, has been on the island since last year to "be closer to our customers and thus be able to develop solutions tailored to their needs".

Food and Industrial Civil Engineer Daniel Poirot, with more than 25 years of experience in multinational and national companies in the food industry, left his life in Santiago in November 2020, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, and moved, together with his wife and four children, to the island of Chiloé to begin a new challenge: to be the "eyes of the customer" for Quipasur in the area of salmon farming for the whole of southern Chile.

Their desire to undertake this new challenge is a reflection of what this step means for Quipasur. The expansion of its antifouling paint division for the salmon farming area is part of its business strategy for the coming years, and the installation of a commercial office in Castro is a sign of its commitment to its customers in the south of the country.

Quipasur has its "antifouling" paint factory in Santiago, from where they produce customized solutions for the different needs of its customers and where they work with the main suppliers of raw materials (Chemet, Nordox, etc). The "antifouling" paint is used to impregnate the nets where salmon grow in the ocean, preventing the development of "fouling or biofouling" allowing the correct flow of oxygenated currents from the sea.

"We make these paints and today the objective is to be on the island, where the customers are, so that we can be closer to them and improve the development of products to specifically address their problems," Poirot said.

Quipasur also has the particularity of having a productive scale size that allows it to differentiate its offer, both in its formulation and quantities. A marine center located in Castro has different problems than one in Puerto Montt or Aysén, so they need solutions dedicated to those specific problems. Quipasur's capacity allows it to create the most suitable paints to face these diverse complexities at the best cost/benefit.

Currently, most suppliers do not have flexibility in this type of products, since they are manufactured in large "non-agile" factories in Santiago or imported from Norway. Quipasur plans to go ahead and handle "tailor-made" production and stock directly in Chiloé, which will give it an enormous advantage in delivery times as the products will be available immediately.

"This first step of approaching and installing a commercial operation base of Quipasur on the island of Chiloé, seeks to serve the salmon market in a better way, generating a closer relationship with the client and developing products completely tailored to their needs", concluded Poirot.

Quipasur Agronutrients

Agronutrientes Quipasur, the company's new brand name

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Quipasur apuesta por la personalización en la nutrición vegetal con su nueva división agrícola Agronutrientes.


La empresa chilena referente en producción química lanzó una nueva marca dedicada en exclusiva a la formulación y venta de agronutrientes para el mercado agrícola nacional.


Con cuarenta años en el rubro de la producción química y diez en el negocio de la nutrición vegetal, Quipasur marca un nuevo hito en su historia este 2021 con el lanzamiento de su nueva marca, Agronutrientes Quipasur, división enfocada exclusivamente a la producción y formulación de químicos para la industria agrícola.

“Tras una década trabajando mano a mano con distribuidores locales en la producción de fertilizantes líquidos, adquirimos el expertise necesario para aventurarnos en este nuevo desafío comercial que significa el lanzamiento de una marca, con la seguridad y el peso que trae el nombre de Quipasur como respaldo”, señaló el Encargado de Desarrollo y Ventas de Agronutrientes Quipasur, Juan Andrés Naour.

Esta nueva división tiene dos áreas: por un lado, la de formulación personalizada de fertilizantes líquidos, y por otro, el de venta de productos foliares de la mano de gigantes de la industria como Fertiglobal, el brazo agrícola del reconocido Grupo Landerello, empresa italiana con más de 200 años en la industria química.

En el área de fertilizantes, explica Naour, la diferenciación de Agronutrientes Quipasur estará en la oferta de un paquete tecnológico completo a los agricultores. Además de formular fertilizantes líquidos en base a NPK

(Nitrógeno, Fósforo y Potasio) de forma personalizada y ajustada a las necesidades de cada cliente, la compañía nacional también proporcionará en formato foliar aquellos nutrientes que, por diversas razones, no sean compatibles entre sí. De esta forma, el cliente obtendrá de un mismo proveedor todos los agronutrientes que necesita para llevar a cabo su negocio.

“El de fertilizantes líquidos es un mercado relativamente nuevo y vemos mucho lugar para avanzar con nuestra propuesta, que se basa en la calidad, lo local y la personalización”, comentó el Encargado de Desarrollo y Ventas de la nueva división.

Además, destacó, al tratarse de una empresa 100% chilena, Quipasur es de tal tamaño que le permite ser flexible, rápida, eficiente y cercana al tratarse tanto de la toma de desiciones como en la atención al cliente.

Quipasur es una empresa familiar con más de 40 años de experiencia en la elaboración de productos químicos y líder en las diversas áreas donde opera: minería, salmonicultura, agroquímica, forestal, nutrición animal y pinturas. Fundada en 1980, actualmente cuenta con tres plantas de producción en Nos, Lo Espejo y Coronel para satisfacer la demanda de los mercados en Chile, Argentina y Perú.

Quipasur and Fertiglobal: The alliance that promises to be a protagonist in the Chilean plant nutrition market

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Este 2020 trajo para Quipasur una serie de hitos. Por una parte, este año marca el 40º aniversario de la fundación de la empresa, celebrando el recorrido de cuatro décadas que, gracias al esfuerzo y una oferta de la más alta calidad, los han llevado a ser uno de los referentes de la industria química en el país.


Por otra parte, una de sus áreas de negocio más importante, la agronutrición, vio un importante avance durante 2020 gracias a la alianza entre Quipasur y Fertiglobal, la unidad de negocio dedicada a la agricultura del Grupo Larderello, empresa italiana con más de 200 años en la industria química.


La futura división agrícola de Quipasur:


Hace 10 años, Quipasur comenzó su incursión en el negocio de nutrición vegetal desarrollando productos especializados para una distribuidora agrícola de la V Región. Según Juan Enrique Galarce, Gerente de Ventas del Área Químicos de Quipasur, en los últimos años se ha visto una tendencia por preferir la producción nacional. “Hasta hace un tiempo se valoraba mucho que los productos vinieran de afuera, ahora han salido muchas marcas propias de empresas chilenas. Muchas de las materias primas se encuentran en Sudamérica, por lo tanto hay que aprovechar esa instancia”, comentó.


A partir de este desarrollo para terceros, Quipasur comenzó a elaborar una línea de fertilizantes líquidos en base a nitrógeno y NPK (Nitrógeno, Fósforo y Potasio). Se construyó una planta para su producción y el mercado reaccionó favorablemente: la empresa pasó de vender 400 mil litros en 2010 a 8 millones de litros en 2019. Y así llegó el momento de crear una marca propia.


Fertiglobal llega a Chile de la mano de Quipasur:


En Quipasur ya eran expertos en la producción de fertilizantes líquidos. Pero querían ampliar su oferta, por lo que comenzaron la búsqueda de socios comerciales que pudieran aumentar su paleta de productos. Es así como llegan a Fertiglobal.


Creado en 2003, Fertiglobal nace como el brazo agrícola del gigante italiano Grupo Larderello, empresa que lleva más de 200 años en la industria química y que tiene presencia en Europa, China, India, Malasia, Estados Unidos, Brasil, Argentina, México y Perú. Quipasur se transformó, a partir de agosto, en distribuidor oficial en Chile de sus productos.


Fertiglobal cuenta con una larga trayectoria en el mercado y una excelente calidad. Esto es debido a tecnologías innovadoras que aportan una diferenciación de valor respecto al resto de la competencia.


Diego Longobucco, Area Manager de Fertiglobal para Latinoamérica, valoró la alianza y señaló que “logramos armar con Quipasur un equipo de trabajo muy sólido y estamos dando unos primeros pasos muy buenos”. Según él, eligieron a la empresa chilena porque conocen bien la producción de fertilizantes y desarrollan productos de calidad, aunque afirma que “la parte fundamental es humana”. La excelente actitud y ética de trabajo de los ejecutivos de Quipasur los convencieron de avanzar en conjunto para desarrollar este mercado.


Longobucco aseguró que en el plan de mediano plazo de la empresa se considera producir en Chile algunos de sus fertilizantes, a través de acuerdos de producción con Quipasur, para aprovechar su capacidad instalada. “Vemos un gran potencial para ambas empresas”, puntualizó.



Multi-industry and international: What's next for Quipasur?

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Hay un momento en la vida de una empresa en el que ya no es suficiente simplemente seguir funcionando. Se empiezan a crear planes para el futuro, a mirar nuevas áreas en las que ir explorando y a pensar en grande.


Quipasur tuvo ese momento en 2010. Juan Javier Casas del Valle llevaba un tiempo pensando en profesionalizar la empresa creada por su padre Renato 30 años antes. Cuando su propuesta fue vista con buenos ojos por el fundador de la compañía, decidieron contratar a Raúl Silva como Gerente Financiero y comenzar a atraer a talentos y profesionales para ocupar cargos dentro de la empresa en las áreas financiera, comercial, estratégica y de recursos humanos.

Cuatro años más tarde, los Casas del Valle comienzan a soltar el día a día de Quipasur y pasan a formar parte del recientemente creado directorio, dejando en manos de Raúl Silva la administración de la empresa familiar.

El nuevo gerente general se puso manos a la obra de inmediato. Junto a la consultora liderada por Alfonso Mujica, Scaling Company, crearon la planificación estratégica de la compañía para 2023. El foco se puso en duplicar la facturación para esa fecha y potenciar las nuevas líneas de negocio que habían estado surgiendo en los últimos años, aprovechando las industrias fuertes de Chile.


“Escuchando al cliente hemos ido explorando nuevos productos para saciar las necesidades de las empresas. Queremos ser partners de nuestros de clientes”, comentó el Ejecutivo.

En coherencia con esto, el Gerente General también destacó la importancia de su compromiso con los mismos trabajadores de la empresa, con quienes se busca siempre el trabajo en equipo. Las personas son fundamentales en Quipasur y trabajan día a día por su bienestar y desarrollo.


Tres industrias, tres oportunidades


Para enfocar los esfuerzos, Quipasur declaró tres áreas en las que potenciaría su participación, y que son las tres industrias en las que hoy más están creciendo: minería, salmonicultura y agroquímica.

Chile es un país minero por excelencia y el Directorio vio en esa industria una potencialidad inmensa de crecimiento. Es así como ya tienen un negocio bastante consolidado en el área de la fundición hace 20 años y pretenden seguir aprovechando sus oportunidades.

La venta y exportación de salmón ha tenido un crecimiento enorme en los últimos años en el país. Por eso, Quipasur ya contrató a un equipo profesional dedicado exclusivamente a este sector, en el que participan con la venta de pintura antifouling para las redes. “Queremos ver cómo avanza ese negocio para ver las posibilidades y necesidades que van surgiendo”, señaló el Equipo Ejecutivo.

Finalmente, la geografía del país también le permite ser líder en agricultura. Con esto en mente, Quipasur entró hace tres años en el negocio de los agroquímicos.



Mirando hacia adelante


Además de potenciar estas tres áreas de negocio, el Gerente General y el Directorio tienen nuevos planes de internalización para Quipasur. La empresa ya lleva cuatro años con presencia en Perú y este año el objetivo era instalar una planta química en ese país, sin embargo, los planes se vieron frustrados con la llegada de la pandemia del coronavirus. No obstante, el Gerente General enfatizó que éste “sigue siendo un desafío a corto plazo, fabricar en Perú y ser un referente sudamericano en la industria de la fundición”.

Además, el mundo cambió y se hizo mucho más consciente del daño que le estaba generando al medio ambiente. “Hace 20 años, era un orgullo ver cómo la planta humeaba, significaba progreso, producción, una fuente laboral, apoyo a la economía del país. Hoy ya no se ve como algo positivo”, dijo Silva. Por eso, Quipasur en los próximos años se encuentra enfocada en alinearse con las nuevas tendencias ecológicas hacia una economía circular.


40 years of Quipasur

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40 años de una empresa familiar con visión de futuro


Renato Casas del Valle era muy joven cuando decidió que seguiría los pasos de sus familiares y se independizaría para formar su propia empresa. Siete años llevaba trabajando en la farmacéutica Abbott, su único trabajo desde que había terminado la universidad, y gracias a un buen desempeño había escalado hasta llegar a ser Gerente de Operaciones. Era 1980 y recién lo habían trasladado a Venezuela.

“Desde que me recibí de la universidad que empecé a ver la posibilidad de independizarme, yo era el único que trabajaba como empleado en la familia. Siempre mi padre me pidió que me independizara. Llegó la oportunidad y lo hice”, dice Casas del Valle.

Durante su tiempo en el laboratorio, el Bioquímico y Químico Farmacéutico notó que en Chile había un monopolio en la venta de silicato de sodio -sustancia utilizada en las más diversas industrias, como en la textil, en detergentes, en minería, incluso en la fabricación de adhesivos- y un mercado insatisfecho en sus demandas. Vio una oportunidad.

El 12 de noviembre de 1980 nace Quipasur. Con una sola planta química en el país y enfocados completamente en la producción de silicato de sodio, la empresa se instauró como un competidor alternativo que trabajaba de la mano con sus clientes, dando soluciones particulares a sus necesidades.


40 años funcionando


Tras 40 años de escuchar a sus clientes, de adelantarse a las tendencias y de evolucionar e innovar acorde a las necesidades del mercado, Quipasur hoy cuenta con tres plantas -en Nos, Lo Espejo y Concepción- y su producción se ha ido diversificando al silicato de potasio, resinato, resina de coliéster, pintura y otros productos exotérmicos y de fundición.

“El mercado nos iba pidiendo y nosotros fuimos creciendo. Formamos un equipo profesional muy importante, de químicos, de personas del área metalúrgica y del área financiera, y fuimos creciendo como equipo y creando nuevas cosas”, relata el fundador de Quipasur.

Así, la empresa se ha insertado en varias industrias, focalizándose actualmente en la fabricación de productos químicos para la agricultura, salmonicultura y minería, y ampliando sus operaciones en Chile, Perú y Argentina.


La familia se profesionaliza


Cuando la empresa cumplió 30 años, Renato Casas del Valle aceptó la propuesta de su hijo Javier de crear un directorio y así profesionalizar Quipasur. Actualmente, la familia Casas del Valle forma parte del directorio y dejó en manos de un equipo profesional la administración de la compañía.

Los valores fundacionales de Quipasur, sin embargo, se mantienen intactos. La innovación para mejorar día a día, ser una solución para los clientes y un compromiso con sus más de 150 colaboradores a lo largo del país siguen siendo la misión principal de la compañía.

Hoy, 40 años después de que un joven Renato Casas del Valle emprendiera el camino que lo llevaría a crear Quipasur, éste sigue mirando hacia el futuro: consciente de su rol social como empresario, quiere continuar fortaleciendo el vínculo con las comunidades locales en las que están sus plantas químicas y quiere llevar a Quipasur a tener cero emisiones en los próximos años.


National Holidays

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Septiembre 2018,

Celebramos estas fiestas patrias con competencias, juegos, premios, bailes tradicionales y comida. Una excelente instancia para compartir con todos los integrantes de Quipasur y disfrutar.